
Sclerotherapy is used to remove spider veins from the legs by injecting a liquid sclerosant into the vein, causing the small blood vessels to swell and close. The body gradually resorbs these vessels.

Instructions Prior to Sclerotherapy

 1. In order to optimize your results, we ask that you purchase compression stockings prior to your treatment and bring them with you to the appointment. We recommend compression stockings with 20-30 mm Hg compression. You can purchase quality stockings from These generally cost $10-$50. You may also purchase stockings locally from Chino Medical supply. Pantyhose style (waist-highs) work the best. Thigh highs are available but beware that, while they are cooler, they have a tendency to sag.

2. You should not have a tan at the time of your treatment. Avoid sun exposure on the legs for 1 month prior to your sclerotherapy treatment.

3. Do not use moisturizers on the day of your treatment.

4. You may be most comfortable wearing shorts or a skirt for the treatment.

Instructions Following Sclerotherapy

1. Compression stockings should be worn at all times until bedtime for 14 days. It is not necessary to sleep with your stockings on. Remove them prior to bathing.

2. Bruising and discoloration are common after sclerotherapy. These issues will resolve over a number of weeks. It is very important to avoid sun exposure to the treatment areas after sclerotherapy. Sun exposure can cause hyperpigmentation (skin darkening) in treated areas. Wear protective clothing and a broad-spectrum sunblock for at least 1 month after the treatment.

3. Exercise following sclerotherapy is okay. Avoid strenuous, high-impact activities for one week after the treatment. Avoid excessively hot baths, showers, or hot tubs for one week after the treatment.

5. Occasionally, when treating larger vessels, a small clot or “knot” may develop. If this happens, we would like for you to call us. Sometimes we do a simple extraction of this clot or may opt to let it dissolve on its own.

7. Pain after sclerotherapy is usually minimal and goes away after 1-2 days. If you experience discomfort, you may take a Tylenol or Extra-Strength Tylenol. If you experience significant pain, redness, swelling, crusting, or bleeding, call our office immediately.

Our Locations

3110 Chino Ave Suite 120, Chino Hills, CA, 91709, US

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Chino Hills


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm







8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm



