Seeking the Proper Acne Treatment

In most cases, the sensitivity to hormones or hormonal imbalances, combined with the fatty acids in the oil glands and bacteria on the skin results in acne. While some people do manage to control their acne on their own, if you’re not one of them, don’t fret—Dr. Aman Sandhu, your dermatologist here at the Sand Dermatology in Chino Hills, CA, can help you out. Meanwhile, consider these common acne treatments.

Over-the-Counter Medications for Controlling Acne

One of the most common treatments for acne is the use of over-the-counter topical medications. These act by reducing the production of oil while speeding up the turnover of skin cells. It also fights bacterial infection and reduces inflammation to prevent acne scarring. Favorable results could be seen in about four to eight weeks, but it would take months, or even years, for acne to completely clear up for some people. These products include:

  • Retinoids and similar drugs that usually come in gel, cream, or lotion form.
  • Antibiotics that kill excess bacteria and reduce redness.
  • Salicylic and azelaic acid, which contains antibacterial properties that prevent hair follicles from being plugged.
  • Dapsone, a gel that fights off inflammation caused by acne.
  • Oral antibiotics may likewise be prescribed to fight inflammation and reduce bacteria growth.
  • Combined oral contraceptives have progestin and estrogen to help control acne.
  • Anti-androgen agents are often used when oral antibiotics have no effect. These work by blocking the effects on the sebaceous glands of the androgen hormones.

Time for Your Dermatologist

The moment that your acne gets out of control or any of the above-mentioned treatments fail, go to your dermatologist in Chino Hills, CA, at once to receive proper help. With professional treatment, the main goals are typically scarring prevention and, of course, getting your acne problem under control by the soonest possible time.

Need Help in Controlling Your Acne? Give Us a Call

Dial (909) 313-5111 to set up a visit with Dr. Aman Sandhu here at Sand Dermatology in Chino Hills, CA.

Our Locations

3110 Chino Ave Suite 120, Chino Hills, CA, 91709, US

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Chino Hills


8:00 am-5:00 pm


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