Acne Scarring: Prevention, Treatment, and Restoration Techniques

Leading California Dermatology Doctors Talk about Pimples

Chino Hills, CA, and Orange, CA, is home to a leading dermatology practice, Sand Dermatology, which treats acne. Four amazingly skilled dermatology doctors, all board-certified in dermatology, see patients daily at our two practice locations.

While our doctors provide various services, they want to discuss the critical aspects of pimples and their impact on people. Pimples can negatively impact a person's life at any age, causing depression, low self-esteem, and isolation.

What Is Acne?

This condition causes pimples, plugged pores, and lumps deeper in the skin, often leading to scarring. Acne has many names, such as papules, pustules, comedo, nodules, cysts, and lesions.

Skin Restoration

Over-the-counter topical medications can sometimes worsen your skin. It is best to get a prescription for pimples through our dermatologist. During pimple breakouts, keep the following information in mind.

  • Pimples primarily affect teenagers aged 12-17 but can also affect adults. 
  • This condition affects all cultures and races with no regard to gender.
  • The condition lasts five to ten years.
  • Men have longer-lasting, more severe cases, so avoid dermatology visits.
  • Women have intermittent outbreaks due to monthly hormonal changes and cosmetics.
  • All types of pimples are treatable with time.
  • Treatments are individualized.
  • Treatments can include over-the-counter, prescription medications, physical procedures, light therapy, lasers, dermasanding, subcision, resurfacing, and fillers to reduce scarring. 


We have many skin treatments, including topical creams, retinoids, antibiotics, Isotretinoin, contraceptives, hormone therapy, steroids, lasers, and chemical peels.


The prevention of pimples begins at home with excellent skin care, including washing your face with (warm) water and a gentle cleanser twice daily and after workouts. Remove all makeup before bed.

Avoid using alcohol, astringents, toners, and exfoliants on your skin. Use an oil-free skin moisturizer on your face. Never be tempted to pop, pick at, or squeeze pimples. It's best to let your skin heal naturally, as this helps prevent scarring. 

When pimple outbreaks get the best of you, please visit us for proper skin treatment. Be sure to treat your skin before it becomes severe, as this is more difficult to treat, treatment takes longer, and you risk skin scarring.  

Seeking Help For Acne? Call Us Today

Our experienced doctors are skilled at diagnosing and treating many skin conditions, including skin cancer. One skin condition that can cause grief and impact your life is pimples. While there are various levels of severity, you need to come to see us for the correct treatment, as many over-the-counter topical medications can worsen your skin.

Call any of our four esteemed dermatologists at Sand Dermatology at either Chino Hills, CA, at (909) 313-5111 or Orange, CA, at (714) 987-9880 to schedule an acne consultation appointment.

Our Locations

3110 Chino Ave Suite 120, Chino Hills, CA, 91709, US

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Chino Hills


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


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8:00 am-5:00 pm


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